Monday, July 21, 2008

new eyes for the skies

Flying has always been a passion/fantasy, whether in a airliner window seat, superman style (love those ultra rare exhilirating dreams where you just s o a r), but especially in small planes; solo'd a 1964 Cessna 150 sumthin sumthin years ago, but flown little since; this life stage has me looking upward again, and coupled with my promotion of locals doing eye-opening coastal fly-overs, I've been up a few times lately. My eyesight is a concern, as a ten year old radial kero something or other procedure on my right eye for distance has petered out; Friday last I was fitted with contacts in possible preparation for another eye procedure, and they seemed to help, allowing me to see clearly near and far; important to see the gauges as well as other air traffic, eh? Bolstered by good eye eye news and armed with a spare hundred dollar bill and no bad habits to blow it on, I called for one 23 year old helicopter instructor and commercial fixed wing pilot Jessica, whom I'd met during a recent trip to the airport to oversee the Leadership Terrebonne class of 2008 Coastal Fly-Over; alas, Jessica wasn't available for a flight, so instructor Bryan had to do; after a quick trip to Larose to pick up a customer check, which somewhat justified my flying binge, where I also picked up one Doug Cheramie, who had challenged me to buy him lunch when I had stopped by the local radio station, the Ragin Cajun, to invite on air host and friend Kirk Cheramie to lunch; Kirk couldn't make it, so Doug and I did the buffet at Jenny's Balcony; Doug is a political animal and uber LSU fan, and knows everyone on the bayou, and lunch with him is an elongated affair, as he works the room with small talk and tidbits. Told Doug I was going flying that afternoon, and he acted like he'd like to go, said he'd like to see the Lafourche levee from the air; a call to Bryan to see if the 4 place Cessna 172 was available found it to be, so I invited Doug along; never know when you will need Tiger tickets...

next: Full throttle and damned if the eyes didn't work!

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